CD57, NK, T-Cell, B-Cell subset, Clone: TB01, Mab anti-Human, FITC; flow

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Więcej informacji


FITC to pochodna fluorosceiny (izotiocyjanan fluorosceiny) szeroko stosowana jak fluorochrom w badaniach naukowych i cytometrii przepływowej. Długość fali wzbudzenia i emisji FITC to 495 nm/519 nm, FITC daje więc sygnał o kolorze zielonym. FITC jest znacznikiem wrażliwym na fotowybielanie.

Inne produkty

CD57, NK Cell, T-Cell, B-Cell subset, Clone: TB01, Mab anti-Human Synaptophysin, Clone: SP15, Mab anti-Human, Swine, Hamster, Rat, broad species cross-reactivity; paraffin, IH/WB/ELISA Synaptophysin, Clone: SP15, Mab anti-Human, Swine, Hamster, Rat SNAP-25, Presynaptic Membrane Protein, 26-27kD, Clone: SP12, Mab anti-Human, Swine, Hamster; paraffin, IH/WB/ELISA SNAP-25, Presynaptic Membrane Protein, 26-27kD, Clone: SP12, Mab anti-Human VAMP (Synaptic Vesicle Protein), Synaptobrevin, Clone: SP11, Mab anti-Human, Swine; paraffin, IH/ELISA CD82, R2, IA4, 4F9, Clone: B-L2, Mab anti-Human; frozen, IH/flow CD60, T-Cell (subset), Platelet, Clone: M-T6004, Mab anti-Human; frozen, IH/flow/IP CD1b, Cort. Thym., Langerhans Cell, B-Cell (subset), Dendritic Cell, Clone: MT101, Mab anti-Human, Dog; frozen, flow/IP CD1b, Cort. Thym., Langerhans Cell, B-Cell (subset), Dendritic Cell, Clone: MT101, Mab anti-Human, Dog, FITC; flow