CP-724,714, Potent and selective Inhibitor of Her2/Erb2 (mol wt 469; >98%)

Nr Katalogowy:
25 mg
2 715,23 zł*
* Podana cena produktu jest orientacyjną ceną netto.

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[email protected], tel. 58 710 33 44.

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Inne produkty

Phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) protease inhibitor, powder Nesiritide Acetate (DRAAGQPAG)3 peptide (repeat-sequence peptide of the P. vivax circumsporozoite protein, CSP) conjugated with BSA (NANP)5 peptide (25-aa, repeat-sequence peptide of the P. falciparum circumsporozoite protein, CSP) conjugated with BSA (NVDP)4 peptide (minor repeat-sequence peptide of the P. falciparum circumsporozoite protein, CSP) conjugated with BSA (PPPPNAND)3 peptide (repeat-sequence peptide of the P. berghei circumsporozoite protein, CSP) conjugated with BSA Flg15 peptide (deletion peptide 30-44 aa, Flic, P. aeruginosa) control,pure Purified Human ghrelin (28 aa, Ser3 NOT acylated) Purified human des-ghrelin (27 aa, Ser3 NOT acylated) HER2 multi peptide, (369-386, 688-703,971-984); vaccine candidate