Human Recombinant Purified Leptin Quadruple mutant Antagonist Protein

Nr Katalogowy:
20 ug
808,73 zł*
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Więcej informacji

Leptyna jest hormonem wytwarzanym w białej tkance tłuszczowej, produkt genu Obese, który nasila proces lipolizy. Ludzka leptyna dzieli około 84% identyczności sekwencji z mysim białkiem.

Inne produkty

Mouse Recombinant Purified Leptin Triple mutant Antagonist Protein Rat Recombinant Purified Leptin Triple mutant Antagonist Protein Ovine Recombinant Purified Leptin Triple mutant Antagonist Protein Ovine Recombinant Purified Leptin Quadruple mutant mutant Antagonist Protein Recombinant purified (>95%) Protein-L from P. magnus Anti-Human IgG (H+L), unconjugated Anti-Rabbit IgG-HRP conjugate (adsorbed with human, mouse, rat etc) Anti-Rabbit IgG-HRP conjugate (preadsorbed with human, mouse, rat and other IgGs) Anti-Biotin-HRP (Peroxidase) conjugate Anti-Goat IgG-HRP conjugate (adsorbed with human, mouse, rat etc)